After hiding inside all day to avoid the crazy Black Friday shoppers, we finally had to leave! We went into Anacortes and decided to give Pier 61 restaurant a chance. HIGH priced little place lol we shared a meal! It was decent food, but not something I’d want to go do ever again due to prices!
Afterwards, we decided to drive up to the lookout and check out Anacortes at night. I’m so glad we did! It was beautiful and all those lights reflecting on the water… love it! But then I turned around.. and noticed the silhouette of two women standing up on the rocks.. I couldn’t want to see Mark and Kaitlynn there..
Of course, it’s night time and the photos wouldn’t come out clear.. but it’s enough for me to keep that moment in my mind..
I wouldn’t go onto the rocks because my knee is doing so well and because I wanted to hang back for the photo moment..
Hope you all had a fantastic Thanksgiving and a safe Black Friday!
ijourney1018 {@} gmail {dot} com
meandmyinkpen {@} gmail {dot} com
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