So tonight we are packing up the trailer and heading to Dumas, Texas tomorrow… while this isn’t the last time we will see the Sobol house, it is most likely the last time we’ll stay here..
We are waiting on the closing of our new house (yay!) and expect that to happen in the 6-8 weeks we will be gone. Between now and then, this place is for sale and we’ve already got potential buyers. So the odds are pretty slim we’ll come back to this place as home ever again.
We made the decision to sell after getting robbed.. last summer we got hit by a storm and it took out 40 trees.. the year before that the fire… in the years before that Mark’s life wasn’t so happy.. so selling the place seemed the wise thing to do.. In our discussions I pointed out that I had no real connection to the place…
Tonight as I stood looking out across the place I realized I do have one very important connection to this house and so my goodbye will be with a bit of sadness and a whole world of gratitude for this place.. This is the place where the beginnings of my love for Mark turned into the full deal. We worked side by side here and I got to learn first hand what a wonderful man he is.. He’s thoughtful, caring, hardworking, honest, and incredibly resourceful and smart.. He doesn’t think so, but I know better.. I’ve seen him in action!
Most importantly (with my past), he showed me I was his equal and he listens to me. He doesn’t belittle me for not knowing and always helps me learn my way through whatever we are doing. He’s never raised his hand or voice to me.. He respects me.. He showed me that here first.. while we struggled to clean up after the fire.. we built a friendship that has solidified into something so much more.. Who knew shoveling a foundation clean could build a foundation so strong between us?
So while I won’t miss the place, I will always be thankful that it brought us together.. We’ve come so far!
ijourney1018 {@} gmail {dot} com
meandmyinkpen {@} gmail {dot} com
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