I seem to spend all my free time racking my brain on ways to cut costs.. This $5,000 truck repair that’s looming over my head has me looking to every corner to save money..
I’ve spent $10 on Christmas decorations and the rest we will make..
I’ve looked at our meals and figure I can cut our meat in half to spread some costs there..
No more extras.. Our once a week trip to McDonald’s for Kaitlynn to play will remain but I’ll be sticking to coffee only. No more occasional Starbucks..
No Christmas gifting this year.. I’d planned on buying gifts so I didn’t make anything this year.. So now the whole family will go without..
I mean, if we don’t NEED it.. We don’t get it.. Period!
But there is my problem, there’s no where else to shave from.. We already aim for free adventures.. We just drive and look.. We avoid theaters and hit redbox instead.. I’m a thrifty shopper and aim for discounts.. So I’m open to any more suggestions..
Any area I’m missing? Ideas for thrifty meals? I’ll take any idea you toss and see if it’ll work in our household!
ijourney1018 {@} gmail {dot} com
meandmyinkpen {@} gmail {dot} com
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