Last Updated On : Mar 22 2019

So I don’t believe the world is ending.. But I decided today should be spent as if it were.. 20 years from now I want to remember that I let go of all responsibility and did what I wanted on the day before the world ended..

Kaitlynn and I watched cartoons this morning.. She woke up in the most fabulous mood! We have laughed and snuggled and had a kungfu fight in the kitchen..

We watched journey 2.. We took her ponytail down and giggled like crazy with wild hair poses.. We had sketti n meatballs for lunch.. We cleaned her room without a fight! It’s all ready for our snuggle time tonight..

Now we are watching a Christmas movie together and wishing daddy would get home!

When he does, we will go to the store and maybe out to eat and then home to snuggle and play before bed.. When I get into bed tonight, I will snuggle up to the best man I’ve ever known next to my daddy.. Actually, he’s quite the equivalent of my daddy.. Just as wonderful..

My last thoughts for the night will be how very blessed I am.. Seven years ago, I had no real hope for the future.. Then I became a mother.. Then I met Mark and fell in love.. Then I became a mother to three.. Grandma to six! I have a son in law and daughter in law..I have brother and sister in laws.. Mother and father in laws.. And so so many more that I’m still trying to learn them all lol Its been such an amazing journey!

Will I wake up in the morning? Of course! But I’ll go to sleep tonight knowing my world is complete and every day after today will be a complete and total blessing!

   ijourney1018 {@} gmail {dot} com
meandmyinkpen {@} gmail {dot} com

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