Last Updated On : Sep 22 2024

With Mark off for 3 weeks, we assumed we could tackle that last bathroom (the main one with a tub) and get it finished in time. Assumed. Sigh.

All of our efforts meant nothing with repeated damaged products. But we did get the ceiling finished and one wall up.. Here is our progress to date..

Before photos :  

Here we go…

Step one, scraped some popcorn!    Time to rip out the old bath walls and tub…  Omg.. Mold :( forget surround walls.. It all has to go now! Eewwwww..  I needed a drink :( mold freaks me out! Pina colada helped drastically! 

12 days on the gel mani I did for myself before I got a chip! Such fun! And yes, I had to wear a jacket at home lol
Fully gutted and ready to be remade into something fabulous!!

As always, we went a different route.. this ‘bead board’ is about 3″ between grooves and was plain pine color. I gave it a ‘white wash’ sort of like pickling… white stain if you will!

Of course, then we recieved our shower pan and surround that was damaged… so we jumped onto a few other projects… Removed the old ceiling fans in the living room and the most ignorant ceiling fan of all from the kitchen (it had to have appliance bulbs ! who can afford that? ) … We went with these amazing led lights that look, act, and feel just like regular lighting… Because it was done on separate days, I only took a photo of this one lol. But we put two up for my mom too!

The master bathroom ceiling we had scraped and painted during the beginning of the renovation. But I decided since we were placing ‘faux ceiling tile’ in the front bath.. we could do the back as well.  I forgot to take an after photo of the white ceiling tiles!! But here’s my main squeeze working hard again!

Below you will find the apple of my eye, my knight in shining armor, the love of my life, the most amazingly dreamy tile job EVER. EVER. ALWAYS. I am so proud of myself for this one and truly could stand in there looking at it all day. And yeah, that’s Mark working hard again hehe haha..

This is plastic ceiling tile from Home Depot… plastic people… and it doesnt look like this when you get it. It looks like plastic ceiling tile! I mean, think of the aisle of storage tubs… the icky plastic color that is truly good for nothing else but storage… and yet, I had a whole room of it… So I got busy. This one we had bought already in a metallic nickel (not metallic and nothing like nickel, think gray storage tub… seriously)… So I very sloppily painted it white… Mark used a white foam roller to slop it on and I used a bristle brush to create texture and drag off extra paint. Then we standed.. just hitting the high areas and just creating a small slice of heaven… NOW I wish I had a bathtub because laying in it and staring at THIS ceiling would have been heaven!

Of course the second shower kit we received was damaged as well…. so we couldn’t even put the walls up! But we did go ahead and begin placing one wall so that it was at least finished… Here’s my gloriously white washed walls (totally imperfect) next to that amazing ceiling in all its brush streaked sanded glory! OH did I mention I’m running the boards horizontal to try and elongate the room towards the shower instead of vertical? Okay, well now ya know!

We did get our second shower kit in………………………………….. and of course after installing the pan (because I didn’t ever dream the second one would be damaged as well) we found out that one of the pieces was damaged as well… sheesh…

Just look at this damage!! It’s in the upper corner on the back wall..

We were so disappointed to not be able to finish before leaving our trip! Now we are waiting again, and I’m drawing again! I did take some time off to work on the house and all of my lovely projects there. But now, I am working very hard on a new themed coloring book!! Yay!! As always, I’m pumping out mandalas daily again! I love my daily mandala doodles!

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