Last Updated On : Sep 22 2024
I've gathered several of the best lessons on how to draw Mandalas all into one easy place. I love these girls!

Updated to remove broken links 9/2024

Mandalas are amazing and so much fun! I love doing them so much (either quick and fun ones or serious and detailed ones) that I decided to gather up some of the mandala tutorials that I used in my journey to learn how to do them. I am the world’s worst at glancing at something and saying ‘I can do that’ and then figuring it out on my own. I’ve done that since I was a little girl. I watch tutorials and then sometimes refer back to them in memory as I’m trudging through a project. But it is very rare that I follow along with one on a step by step basis. This has caused me quite a few goof’s over the years. My mandala journey has been no different. I’ve watched several videos, read several mandala tutorials, and looked at hundreds of photos. Then I dived in! I hope you will too! Anyone can do it!

So  below are some of the amazing women that guided my journey…

rainbowelephant-mandala image via

– Cindy actually has a series of articles about Mandalas. The best way to dive in though is to watch her “5 Methods for Drawing Patterned Mandalas” video which will show five distinct ways to draw mandalas. To each their own right? Right! Choose the way that suits you best! Don’t forget to check out her other articles on Mandalas if you’re so inclined!

How To Draw A Mandala

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Jamie Ridler Studios – Jamie has a very simple, very informative video and article “Learning How To Draw A Mandala” that teaches you how to build a mandala step by step. I loved seeing this in action and it was the method that most helped my 8 year old get started!

How To Draw A Mandala image via

Art-Is-Fun.Com – Here Thadeeya will lead you on a “How To Draw A Mandala” journey from start to finish. I only use the circular grids and guide lines when I’m being very serious and careful but I wish now that I had tried them that way first! I love to just doodle a mandala out around and around with no guides… it’s helpful and calming when my moods are out of sorts.

How To Draw Mandalas image via – Kelly has a step by step tutorial on “How To Draw Mandalas” as well. Again, this one is a bit different but just as informative.

How To Draw A Mandala image via

WikiHow.Com – While general and not overly detailed on the designs and doodles… The information is sound and the lesson is clear and easy to follow in this tutorial on “How To Draw A Mandala”.

How To Draw Mandalasimage via

TheLittleSage.Com – Do not let the similarities fool you! The lovely Claire starts from the outside and works her way IN! I have never tried this but I intend to do just that once I finish this article “How To Draw A Mandala!”

How To Draw Mandalas and Why You Want Toimage via

CreativeDreamIncubator.Com – “How to Draw Mandalas (And Why You Want To)” is another great articile on building a mandala. She has a lot of photos of some really simple mandalas that do not include a lot of doodles and/or tangles.

How and Why To Draw Mandalasimage via

FreePeople.Com“How & Why To Draw Mandalas” is not the most photo heavy article nor the most detailed about mandalas, but it does have a lovely little image that shows you some shapes that are commonly used. I have my own little chart I made to keep handy for those stumped moments!

Mandala Madnessimage via

Rappy-Art“Bonus Lesson #33 – Mandala Madness” is an important one in this list! The scale of the mandalas is different from all of the above and I think it’s brilliant! A difference! I love it! I hope you do as well!

Okay, so this is where I’ll leave you… an accidental list of 10 mandala tutorials! I had no plans of an even number here but that’s how it worked out. The ladies above all have a bit of their own spin on mandalas and the creation of. The one thing I took away from all of them is this isn’t about perfection, it’s not about being precise. This is a method of relaxation and meditation and yes, sometimes prayer that will help calm your inner self no matter what’s going on. It’s why I started, why I put some real effort into learning how to do it. Anyone can doodle, anyone can draw, anyone can doodle/draw a flower that builds upon itself from the center out. Once you understand that, you only need to learn how to use that flower to center yourself. Voila! Mandala!

Need more inspiration? Here’s my board on Pinterest devoted completely to Mandala artwork!

Follow KitsKorner.Com’s board Art : Doodle Mandalas on Pinterest.

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