These black canvases made me think of chalkboards (probably were meant to do so lol). I bought a set of two to try out.. Just very quickly threw down a messy mandala with some dotted swirls in the black edges.. From a distance it looks a lot like chalk because of the different depths in the strokes of ink but up close it looks nothing like chalk except for the smears that I put there on purpose. Ah well it’s cute and Kaitlynn loves it!
See the smears?
In other news… My beautiful baby in her new shorts.. She is growing up so fast! In the dressing room yesterday she shoo’d me out and said she was big enough to handle this on her own now! As if! And it’s only two shorts & coveralls but today she looked so blooming cute!
Ooh and the flower we found on our walk… Do you see the curly centers?!?!? Amazing!
ijourney1018 {@} gmail {dot} com
meandmyinkpen {@} gmail {dot} com
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