Somehow, I got way behind on posting so this post will include quite a few photos. I’ve kind of jumped around and worked in different books a lot lately. So you’ll see works in my mandala journal (in my fauxdori), my 11×14 sketchbook, my small dylusions art journal, and my small 5 1/2 x 8 1/2 sketchbook. Anyhoo, let’s get started..
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True to form, I was keeping up daily in my mandalas journal until I needed to work on the #coloring book. So I let go of the daily little doodles in order to spend more time on the bigger drawings. Below you’ll see all 12 mandala pages done in the 11×14 sketchbook before they were scanned in for coloring pages.
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#138-#139 are in my Dylusions Art Journal. I’ve discovered that I don’t have the time or inclination to build art journal pages (as much as I love them) with lots of paints, inks, layers, collage, and what not. Part of this is due to my limited space, part is due to my limited patience these days. I don’t want to wait on things to dry, nor do I have places to leave things out to dry. Enter Dyan’s Dylusions Paints! I can’t believe how much these appeal to my need to paint and yet work with my limited space and dry almost instantly!
#140 is back in my daily mandala journal.. And please notice it sucks lol but I share it anyhow, it’s how I felt that day at that moment..
And then there is #141 in the 5.5 x 8.5 sketchbook… I love my Papermate Flairs!
#142-#144 Open composition mandalas in my sketchbook..
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ijourney1018 {@} gmail {dot} com
meandmyinkpen {@} gmail {dot} com
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