Last Updated On : Sep 22 2024

July 2019 Bullet Journal Gallery

Bujo : July 2019
In July and August I had this moment where I missed the paper. I was convinced I wanted to go back to it and I tried for a couple weeks. I missed the ipad like I was being deprived of oxygen. I need it digital now. I can’t believe the difference and my inability to change back!

My digital journal pages are created on an iPad with the Apple Pencil using Goodnotes (Version 4 and now 5). All of my stickers, washi tapes, and various other goodies are created by myself and are not for public use. Any that are sold or offered for your use can be found in freebies or on my Etsy shop. The background and top view elements are also created by me using Art Studio Pro on the iPad from photos found on Pixabay (sign up, it’s free!). If you have any questions, please feel free to ask or comment!

All of my drawings, doodles, paintings, or otherwise are my own and are not to be used in any other way other than to view them here unless specifically listed as a freebie or you have obtained permission.

Find more on my instagram @kitskornerdotcom; where my life, my art, my journaling, my world comes alive… #kitskorner #meandmyinkpen

   ijourney1018 {@} gmail {dot} com
meandmyinkpen {@} gmail {dot} com

About Me : Buy Me Coffee! : Get My Badge! My Projects : My Artwork

Digital Bullet Journal Install Instructions

My Shop On Etsy
My Shop On Society6

Usage License

All images offered for free or that I sell can now be used commercially,
if usage remains under 100 copies.
See the full Freebie Standard Licence Agreement here.
No attribution or link back to this site is required
(any longer) but would be greatly appreciated.