Last Updated On : Sep 22 2024

Bullet Journal : May 2020

May 2020. Success! We hit our 1000 face mask goal and donated all of them to charity. We did make more than that and it is all documented in my bullet journal. But the charity masks were the most important in our world. We celebrated with Olive Garden, of course!

About My Journal Journey

I began journaling at a young age. I had dark blue five year diary with that flimsy gold lock. The lock couldn’t have kept a fly out of the journal but it sure made me feel safe at the time. I wrote about boys, feelings and all of those glorious moments that come along with growing up.

Of course then I grew up and things changed along the way. I suddenly have a lot of things going in every direction. I have to manage homeschool, the bills and normal household needs, as well as my website and art projects. Once I discovered bullet journaling everything changed for the better. I use a modified bullet journaling method to keep up with my day to day activities, some tracking, and ongoing lists of all that I have to do.

What is a Bullet Journal?

A bullet journal by definition is a method of organization created by Ryder Carroll. The system itself can be used for planning, note taking, journaling, or just for fun. The original system is basic and quick to adapt to your life and routine. The bullet journaling world has exploded into many variations on Ryder’s original journal. If you’d like to learn more, check out BulletJournal.Com here.

I do share all of my digital journal spreads on instagram, so please head on over and follow me! In addition, I sell digital journals on my Etsy shop. Head on over and look at the various styles I have available! You won’t be sorry!

Design Information

I create all of my digital bullet journal pages on an iPad with the Apple Pencil using Goodnotes (Version 4 and now 5). Unless otherwise noted, all of my stickers, washi tapes, and various other goodies are my own creations and are not for public use. Any that are sold or offered for your use can be found in freebies or on my Etsy shop. The background and top view elements are also created by me using Art Studio Pro on the iPad from photos found on Pixabay (sign up, it’s free!). If you have any questions, please feel free to ask or comment!

Check Out April Here

Find more on my instagram @kitskornerdotcom; where my life, my art, my journaling, my world comes alive… #kitskorner #meandmyinkpen

IMPORTANT REMINDER : All of my drawings, doodles, paintings, bullet journal images or otherwise are my own and are not to be used in any other way other than to view them here unless specifically listed as a freebie or you have obtained permission.

Check the latest from my Instagram feed below!

   ijourney1018 {@} gmail {dot} com
meandmyinkpen {@} gmail {dot} com

About Me : Buy Me Coffee! : Get My Badge! My Projects : My Artwork

Digital Bullet Journal Install Instructions

My Shop On Etsy
My Shop On Society6

Usage License

All images offered for free or that I sell can now be used commercially,
if usage remains under 100 copies.
See the full Freebie Standard Licence Agreement here.
No attribution or link back to this site is required
(any longer) but would be greatly appreciated.