Last Updated On : Sep 04 2023

Buy Emma, a minimal digital planner on Etsy now

Simple Daily Planner - 1

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Introducing Emma, the fully linked minimal digital planner that is perfect for those who appreciate simplicity and functionality. With its light brown line art design, Emma provides a clean and calming aesthetic that will help you stay organized without distractions.

Emma includes monthly, weekly, and daily layouts that are all fully linked for seamless navigation. Whether you need to plan out your entire month or just your day, Emma has got you covered. In addition, Emma also includes helpful to-do lists and notes templates, so you can keep track of everything in one place.

Despite its simplicity, Emma is a powerful tool that can help you stay on top of your schedule and achieve your goals. So if you’re looking for a planner that is both beautiful and functional, look no further than Emma.

The following files will be included in your download : 

1. Planner Goodnotes Install File
2. Sticky Notes Collection Install File
3. Sticky Notes PNG Files
4. Planner PDF File
5. Instructions


Not crazy about this design? That’s okay! I have lots of other digital bullet journal sets to choose from, just click here. I also have instructions made to help you out with the install and usage of these products.

Happy Journaling!

   ijourney1018 {@} gmail {dot} com
meandmyinkpen {@} gmail {dot} com

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Digital Bullet Journal Install Instructions

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