Recipes Archives •


Recipes that are popular with our family!

Soups & Salads

Taco Salad

A whole lotta heaven in a bowl! This salad has been a go to favorite for our family when it comes to large functions. You can make it as large or as small as you need and it’s always a crowd pleaser. Ingredients 1 head of lettuce 1 tomato 1


Coconut Split Cake

So it’s an absolutely crappy picture… but it does at least convey that this is an oooey goooey goodey delight! It also shows that I have no dipping skills and you have to love that oh so special plate! As usual, I changed the recipe! I also changed the title

Soups & Salads

Easy Chicken And Dumplings

I thought I would quickly share how I make an easy pot of chicken and dumplings. I do not have a photo to share because when I cook I never remember to take photos anymore! Ingredients 1 pkg boneless chicken thighs (I hate to de-bone so there ya go!) 2


Ground Beef

I was in my thirty’s before I learned my mother’s secret to ground beef. It’s a very simple secret that makes perfect sense once you think about it. Whenever I would cook for myself, I’d brown the beef and complete the meal. But there was always something missing. I blamed


Cavendar’s Greek Seasoning

This seasoning is a wonderful blend of 13 spices that in my household gets used on just about everything except maybe desserts. Omelets, meat dishes, fried eggs, some salads, etc. I mean really, you name it.. Cavendar’s has been there!    ijourney1018 {@} gmail {dot} com meandmyinkpen {@} gmail {dot} com

Desserts, Recipes

Sopapilla Cheesecake

This family favorite is a guaranteed people pleaser! We make it at holidays and the threat of hiding it from others is ALWAYS seriously taken under consideration *grin*!    ijourney1018 {@} gmail {dot} com meandmyinkpen {@} gmail {dot} com About Me : Buy Me Coffee! : Get My Badge! My