That moment when you get distracted while building a post and it posts without any text…. yeah… that happened! Sorry! Here is the REAL post complete with our recipe for Sugar Free Oatmeal Raisin Bars and text! So this past week, Kaitlynn and I made these oatmeal nuggets of gold that we found delightful! Here […]

So it’s an absolutely crappy picture… but it does at least convey that this is an oooey goooey goodey delight! It also shows that I have no dipping skills and you have to love that oh so special plate! As usual, I changed the recipe! I also changed the title and since I’m posting, I’ll […]

This family favorite is a guaranteed people pleaser! We make it at holidays and the threat of hiding it from others is ALWAYS seriously taken under consideration *grin*!    ijourney1018 {@} gmail {dot} com meandmyinkpen {@} gmail {dot} com About Me : Buy Me Coffee! : Get My Badge! My Projects : My Artwork Digital […]