This has 5 worksheets in one PDF file. There is an error in one of the worksheets. I *almost* corrected it, but you know my child is the one that pointed it out! I was so impressed that I left it for other kids to find and feel superior to the adults for having found […]

A few bar graphs worksheets I put together to help Kaitlynn better understand bar graphs. Finding worksheets online for free is no big deal, finding multiples is. We work on something over a course of time and if the worksheets are the same (not a lot of colors and graphics) she pays attention better. These […]

Our next round of math bingo included the 2’s through the 4’s on addition. The whole purpose of the game is for her to learn the answers quickly and at a glance as opposed to adding. It’s working! She loves playing and gets faster with each round! Download Free Printable Math Bingo 2’s-4’s Here    […]

Our first math bingo was just 0’s and 1’s… This was a brilliant idea! I’d seen them elsewhere but wanted more control over what math problems went into the game. So I made my own. I’ll upload the others as well so that you can have the next stages too. I printed mine onto cardstock […]

This free template is just that, a template. There are no bells and whistles. I just threw together some shapes for Kaitlynn to color and then cut out and assemble into a castle because she LOVES castles. I printed to regular paper and then traced (right on top of the template) onto cardboard. This left […]

Using a variety of weather fonts, my graphics editor, and excel.. I created a Weather Chart for Kaitlynn. We have been discussing weather in our lessons and the book we’re using provided a 7 day chart but I wanted something that would last longer and wasn’t taking up the entire wall. Don’t let my odd […]