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6 DIY Midori Traveler’s Notebook Covers Tutorials

Midori Style Notebook Cover Tutorials by kitskorner

A long while back, I became infected by the Midori Traveler’s Notebook infectious disease. I saw it, I wanted it, I had to have it. Of course, then I saw the price… The price makes for an amazing instant cure for some of the symptoms, but not for the disease itself.

So once I realized I would never own a real Midori notebook, I decided I would march my happy little self right back to Sea Lemon’s video and make myself one for a fraction of the cost. Of course, after making it.. I did do a lot more research and ended up watching a lot more videos and have since learned so very much more.

The most important tip I can give you is this: LEARN before you make anything. I no longer follow any measurements. I fold my papers in half and staple a little notepad, I trim off the edge. My covers are sized for that exact notepad. I do not ever want to have to get specific when making my refills. I don’t want to have to search for anything specific.

I use the paper I like and want. But this is what YOU should do, for YOU. Use what YOU like, for YOUR book. I promise, you won’t regret it! Now, dive right on in!

Midori Style Notebook Tutorial by Ray Blake

Making Your Own Midori Style Traveler’s Notebook by Ray Blake 

No matter what other video or tutorial you watch or read, this is the one you should take the time out to watch. Then read his blog. Then browse through his posts and see what all he has accomplished. He has been at this a very long long time and he’s quite brilliant at it. There’s no foo foo stuff involved like matching papers and beads and dazzling glitters and firework displays; you will, however, build a solid foundation of knowledge on building these notebooks and get it right the first time.

DIY Midori Inspired Traveler’s Notebook by Sea Lemon

Now this little video is what began a whole lot of addiction for me. If you see the image of two notebooks lying on top of one another, that top one is black… with the purple, turquoise, and yellow….. oh it just screams to me! I adore those colors now and have at almost any time of my life. So I watched to see what was this beautiful pile of color… and then I got addicted. Thanks lady. Thanks alot.

I made my first Midori Style Notebook based off of this video. It makes a GREAT notebook. They are super slick, very classy looking and extremely pride worthy… but I am really rough on a notebook. The notebook goes with me everywhere I go, it gets tossed in my bag, in my car, by my chair, in my lap… Mine lasted a year before the edges really gave out. My mom’s and youngest daughter’s is still going strong (3 years in). It’s a usage thing..

DIY Traveler's Notebook Cover by Stamped In His Image

DIY Traveler’s Notebook by Julie Cambell

Julie @ Stamped In His Image offers a very clear and easy to follow tutorial that’s laid out with images and written instructions on her website. The cover is made with leather and a fabric liner which makes me think it’s time for me to make myself a new one :) She also offers a quick and easy tutorial on the inserts to fill it afterwards!

Making A Midori Traveler's Notebook Tutorial by Plutomeisje

Making A Midori Traveler’s Notebook Cover by Plutomeisje

Eline over at Plutomeisje has a really good tutorial with a great graphic on the measurements and adding multiple strings for inserts. I’m also really digging the idea of an oil cloth version… perhaps I need to experiment with other materials here as well!

How To Make A Fabric Midori Notebook Cover by Clover & Violet

How To Make A Fabric Midori Traveler’s Notebook Cover Mini Tutorial by Clover & Violet

Jennie has an easy and mini tutorial that essentially says the same that you’ve learned in the above tutorials as well. The difference is materials. The fabric is really appealing to the quilter side of me! Below is the last tutorial… one more fabric one!

Fauxdori Tutorial by VividFelicity

Fauxdori Tutorial by VividFelicity

Veronica over at ViviFelicity put together a really swanky looking fabric fauxdori. These gals that have the patience to do these with fabulous stitching just make me jealous!

The leather to me is the fastest method because if you get pre-treated leather then its truly a cut and go job. But I wanted to show you that you can have a really cool Midori style notebook for next to nothing. Do not let the leather scare you away. Try it with fabric! Try it with oil cloth or canvas or any ol’ thing your heart desires. I’ve even seen it done with adhesive foam. They aren’t going to last forever but who truly cares? They will last until you can decide if it’s for you… and when you get addicted you’ll know what you want to try next! Have fun and happy journaling!

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