Somehow, I got way behind on posting so this post will include quite a few photos. I’ve kind of jumped around and worked in different books a lot lately. So you’ll see works in my mandala journal (in my fauxdori), my 11×14 sketchbook, my small dylusions art journal, and my small 5 1/2 x 8 […]

Another recycled tool tutorial from Christine over at BareBranchBlooming.Com! Her techniques and style of journaling are beautiful and available in her ebook! (No I’m not affiliated in any way) This tutorial is no longer available. (9/2024)    ijourney1018 {@} gmail {dot} com meandmyinkpen {@} gmail {dot} com About Me : Buy Me Coffee! : Get […]

Julie Balzer over at Balzer Designs is a brilliant artist all on her own, but her guest post by Oksana Tepp from Artfully Imperfect last year was amazing. She takes you step by step through a torn paper collage that can be used in your art journaling adventures or any other form of artwork. And […]

Journal52.Com is an incredible YEAR LONG art journaling class for FREE! Chelle will tell you HOW to get started on the cheap, lead you through weekly challenges, and best of all its set up with facebook, flickr, and deviantart. You will be able to show your own work or just follow along and see others! […]

Sweet & saucy canvas.. I feel like something is missing.. I keep moving it around the room to look from various angles and while I always feel something is missing.. I can’t sort out what it needs.. The lettering actually has a shimmer when looked at from the right angle.. There are little gems on […]