InstaDiary View this post on Instagram A post shared by Sarah Ganaway (@kitskornerdotcom) Locked and Loaded! Weekend here we come!#kitskorner #renegade #jeep #honda #pioneer #weekend #memorialdayweekend View this post on Instagram A post shared by Sarah Ganaway (@kitskornerdotcom) Biscuits and gravy at mamas house! #countryliving #memorialdayweekend #homeiswheretheheartis #biscuitsandgravy #mamarocks View this post on Instagram A […]

Found an interesting little park near the bay.. Found the Sarah Cenac and js to take a pic! She’s named after me!! ? #kitskorner #makingmemories #sanjacinto A photo posted by Sarah Ganaway (@kitskornerdotcom) on Mar 4, 2016 at 11:39am PST Impromptu picnic with baby girl after spending a couple hours dealing with sheriff’s department and […]

A late night affair… In progress.. Me and my ink pen.. #kitskorner #meandmyinkpen #100mandalas #beyond100mandalas #doodles #sketchbook #mandala #mandalas #afterhoursart A photo posted by Sarah Ganaway (@kitskornerdotcom) on Feb 20, 2016 at 8:25pm PST Finished..on to the next one.. #kitskorner #meandmyinkpen #mandala #mandalas #100mandalas #beyond100mandalas #afterhoursart #sketchbook #doodles A photo posted by Sarah Ganaway (@kitskornerdotcom) […]

Downtime with my girl.. #kitskorner #traveljournal #bulletjournal #planner #mandalas #handlettering #mandalajournal #100mandalas #beyond100mandalas #makingmemories #meandmyinkpen A photo posted by Sarah Ganaway (@kitskornerdotcom) on Feb 3, 2016 at 2:58pm PST #kitskorner #memoriesmade #airplane #countrylife A photo posted by Sarah Ganaway (@kitskornerdotcom) on Feb 6, 2016 at 10:31am PST #kitskorner #doodles #mandalas #100mandalas #beyond100mandalas #mandalajournal #traveljournal #meandmyinkpen […]

And so we begin a new year… Hitchin a ride.. #kitskorner #countrylife #kubota #cabelas #happynewyear #manofmydreams A photo posted by Sarah Ganaway (@kitskornerdotcom) on Jan 2, 2016 at 8:38pm PST Everyone loves a ferris wheel… #kitskorner #memoriesmade #camerarolltreasures #ferriswheel #carnival #portlavaca #traveljournal A photo posted by Sarah Ganaway (@kitskornerdotcom) on Jan 3, 2016 at 6:06pm […]

Behind as usual, but here we go… sorry! A night in my life.. #kitskorner #countrylife #familytime #doodles #doodlejournal #mandalas #traveljournal #meandmyinkpen A photo posted by Sarah Ganaway (@kitskornerdotcom) on Dec 16, 2015 at 6:30am PST Good friends are had to find.. Counting my blessings at our friend’s house today.. #kitskorner #familytime #makingmemories #countrylife A photo […]

My last InstaDiary post was horribly messed up! A page full of code and little else, all because I was too lazy to double check my work before closing it out! I am so sorry and I promise to never ever try not to do that again! :)   Cuz it's my rooster ? #kitskorner #rooster […]

I may be slow but at least I’m finally getting there! When we are all at home, it just seems like there’s so many more things to do than sit at a computer! Today I played with a gelli plate for the first time and other than some minimal drawing, that’s all I’ve had time […]

Whatever you decide to do, make sure it makes you happy! #artjournaling #doodles #mandalas #kitskorner A photo posted by Sarah Ganaway (@kitskornerdotcom) on Oct 15, 2015 at 4:21am PDT What an amazing tree we just discovered… It's covered in these beautiful flowers! #kitskorner #makesmewannadoodle #floweringtree #california A photo posted by Sarah Ganaway (@kitskornerdotcom) on Oct […]

I started using Instagram this September (yes, I’m a little behind). I’ve enjoyed it and intend to keep using it. But I wanted those images kept within my website as well so I decided to do an InstaDiary either weekly or monthly or maybe both. This will be an ongoing compilation of my Instagram account. […]

So I don’t believe the world is ending.. But I decided today should be spent as if it were.. 20 years from now I want to remember that I let go of all responsibility and did what I wanted on the day before the world ended.. Kaitlynn and I watched cartoons this morning.. She woke […]

After hiding inside all day to avoid the crazy Black Friday shoppers, we finally had to leave! We went into Anacortes and decided to give Pier 61 restaurant a chance. HIGH priced little place lol we shared a meal! It was decent food, but not something I’d want to go do ever again due to […]

Okay, it was Mt Erie but that doesn’t have the same ring to it! We drove up yesterday and nearly froze to death. The wind was ferocious and loud and cold. But the view was incredible! It was fun seeing the island we are on from above!    ijourney1018 {@} gmail {dot} com meandmyinkpen {@} […]

Sneak Preview On KitsKorner.Com Oh the goodies to come!! The above is all the preview you’re going to get of all the fantabulous goodies I have coming in the next weeks. Yesterday, Taterbug was sick and we spent a lot of time on the couch. Today, she has been better but not as active as […]

Because my babygirl wasn’t feeling well today, I haven’t had time to post. She’s wanted to snuggle most of the day and I was perfectly okay with that. So even though it’s late.. I’m still making my day 12 happen! Yay! I had intended to comment along with the photos but this town speaks for […]

Yesterday, I ran out of time and energy to finish sharing photos from Saturday’s adventure. Today, I am stopping again because the rest are from Winthrop and it was such an interesting place it deserves its own page. So tomorrow you will get another photo heavy post. But for now, here’s the rest of our […]

What a great way to start the morning!! A fabulous sunrise that can not truly be captured in photos! And that teaser is enough for tonight because we are at a going away party and I’m unable of doing two things at once lol    ijourney1018 {@} gmail {dot} com meandmyinkpen {@} gmail {dot} com […]

This morning I was so relieved to see that clear sky and the sun behind the trees. That meant my kiddo would get some much needed sun today and I might get some much needed quiet. She got sun, I didn’t get quiet! Not sure that evens out lol but she has had fun. We […]