I think what’s worse than getting pranked, is getting accidentally pranked. I mean, I don’t even have anyone to be mad at! I’m a skeptic by nature.. always have been. I watch these posts come up on Facebook or other social media outlets and my first thought is ……. whatever. So I look it up […]

I completely forgot to post yesterday! The first time all month that I forgot. My only excuse is that yesterday was our first day back to lessons after the holiday and it was rough.. I mean R-O-U-G-H rough! Kaitlynn is a great kid, she has an amazing ability to soak up information like a sponge. […]

I seem to spend all my free time racking my brain on ways to cut costs.. This $5,000 truck repair that’s looming over my head has me looking to every corner to save money.. I’ve spent $10 on Christmas decorations and the rest we will make.. I’ve looked at our meals and figure I can […]

After hiding inside all day to avoid the crazy Black Friday shoppers, we finally had to leave! We went into Anacortes and decided to give Pier 61 restaurant a chance. HIGH priced little place lol we shared a meal! It was decent food, but not something I’d want to go do ever again due to […]

A whole lotta heaven in a bowl! This salad has been a go to favorite for our family when it comes to large functions. You can make it as large or as small as you need and it’s always a crowd pleaser. Ingredients 1 head of lettuce 1 tomato 1 small onion 1 lb ground […]

So it’s an absolutely crappy picture… but it does at least convey that this is an oooey goooey goodey delight! It also shows that I have no dipping skills and you have to love that oh so special plate! As usual, I changed the recipe! I also changed the title and since I’m posting, I’ll […]

I thought I would quickly share how I make an easy pot of chicken and dumplings. I do not have a photo to share because when I cook I never remember to take photos anymore! Ingredients 1 pkg boneless chicken thighs (I hate to de-bone so there ya go!) 2 cans of jumbo buttermilk biscuits […]

Okay, it was Mt Erie but that doesn’t have the same ring to it! We drove up yesterday and nearly froze to death. The wind was ferocious and loud and cold. But the view was incredible! It was fun seeing the island we are on from above!    ijourney1018 {@} gmail {dot} com meandmyinkpen {@} […]

In 2011, Amy Chua published a book titled ‘Battle Hymn of the Tiger Mother’. I have not read the book and I want to make that clear. I did, however, see the controversial article “Why Chinese Mothers Are Superior” on The Wall Street Journal when it was *all over the news* back in 2011. To […]

It seems like more and more my life is filled with these moments. That moment when you’re whole mind is full of the word ‘REALLY?’ and you can’t really get past it. Can’t think or speak or anything… just stand there with a slack jaw and stare. I thought you should hear of a few […]

So I don’t have photos on the iPad, but I thought I could look anyhow and this is one that Kaitlynn remade and plays with ALOT according to the photo album lol. This was their very first photo together. Today, I made a lot of moms and kids angry! Apparently, the moms didn’t care that […]

Tonight, the world lost a young lady that survived multiple heart surgeries as a child.. Her father is a friend and tax client of ours.. My heart hurts for him tonight.. Please keep him in your prayers! I heard the news during dinner and I’m not sure if it was the Sangria (see below!!) or […]

Sneak Preview On KitsKorner.Com Oh the goodies to come!! The above is all the preview you’re going to get of all the fantabulous goodies I have coming in the next weeks. Yesterday, Taterbug was sick and we spent a lot of time on the couch. Today, she has been better but not as active as […]

Because my babygirl wasn’t feeling well today, I haven’t had time to post. She’s wanted to snuggle most of the day and I was perfectly okay with that. So even though it’s late.. I’m still making my day 12 happen! Yay! I had intended to comment along with the photos but this town speaks for […]

Yesterday, I ran out of time and energy to finish sharing photos from Saturday’s adventure. Today, I am stopping again because the rest are from Winthrop and it was such an interesting place it deserves its own page. So tomorrow you will get another photo heavy post. But for now, here’s the rest of our […]

What a great way to start the morning!! A fabulous sunrise that can not truly be captured in photos! And that teaser is enough for tonight because we are at a going away party and I’m unable of doing two things at once lol    ijourney1018 {@} gmail {dot} com meandmyinkpen {@} gmail {dot} com […]

Milk Mustache & All I’ve read a lot of blogs lately from other moms about how they feel towards their kids, towards their lives, and towards their situations. All situations are different and yet, so many of the feelings are the same. In general, we all feel inadequate at times and we all have our […]

This morning I was so relieved to see that clear sky and the sun behind the trees. That meant my kiddo would get some much needed sun today and I might get some much needed quiet. She got sun, I didn’t get quiet! Not sure that evens out lol but she has had fun. We […]